
Amazons Attacks Breakthrough Chess Clobber Connect6 Crossings Dai Hasami Shogi Duotronic Epaminondas Forms Go Go-Moku Hasami Shogi Lines of Action Oust Reversi Reversitacks Rush Tanbo Tic Tac Toe

Duotronic Rules


Duotronic is a two-player game where the player possessing the most pieces at the end of the game wins. You try to win by capturing your opponent's pieces and placing your pieces so that they cannot be captured.


The standard Duotronic board size is 12x12. Igfip™ supports a range of smaller and larger board sizes as well as rectangular boards and obstructed spaces.

Initial Duotronic board position.  Alternative Duotronic board position.


Each player starts with no pieces on the board, but has an unlimited supply of pieces to place on the board.


  1. Black moves first.
  2. A piece may be placed on any empty space.
  3. If a piece is placed directly between two opposing pieces, the opposing pieces are removed from the board and replaced with obstructions. The opposing pieces may be adjacent to the placed piece either orthgonally or diagonally.
  4. If a piece is placed so that it traps an opposing piece directly between itself and another friendly piece, the board edge, or an obstruction, then the opposing piece is removed from the board and replaced with an obstruction.
  5. The game ends when no more moves are possible. The player with the most pieces remaining wins. If both players possess the same number of pieces, the result is a draw.

Duotronic Help


UnselectedSelected or MovedObstructions

Piece Placement

Place a piece by clicking on an empty board space.

Redraw Board

If you make an adjustment to your Web browser—such as changing your font size—while playing, the game pieces may no longer align correctly with the board. To restore proper alignment, select the Redraw command from the Duotronic menu.